

    General Information

    The privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information that is received and collected by smartcitygeek.com and how it is used.

    Please be aware that privacy laws in each territory may differ. smartcitygeek.com bonds to the privacy laws in India.

    smartcitygeek.com reserves the right to change or update this privacy policy at any time.

    If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.


    Our Email Policy

    smartcitygeek.com will not sell or distribute your email address to third parties unless you give explicit permission.

    smartcitygeek.com will not spam your account.  If you leave your email address through either the messaging system or comments on any page, people will have access to your email address, smartcitygeek.com is not able to control what happens with your email address beyond this point.

    Please see our Terms of Service for details on how we operate and your expected conduct when visiting or using this site.


    Rules and Guideline

    By using smartcitygeek.com, you agree to abide by the following simple rules and guidelines;

    We reserve the right to edit any and all content that has been placed on smartcitygeek.com and we reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service from time to time without notice

    1. The comment system may not be used to
      • Advertise
      • Promote unrelated or competing services
      • Recruit membership to other services
      • Harass, insult or inflame
    2. The comment system should not be considered completely private (it is the best effort) and administrators of the site may see messages sent and received here while investigating spam, abuse or bug reports. Please use email, phone calls or better yet face-to-face meetings if you require complete privacy.
    3. The comment system is not a replacement for email and should be considered only an initial point of contact.